Its all about me!

Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia
nOt tHe beSt i aM bUT wE aRE LeGEnD!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Recipe #2: Fried Instant Noodle

Hahaha~Welcome to my crappy edition of RECIPE!

Its been sometime since i last wrote anything here so i thought i wanna share another of my favourite recipe when i sometimes cook at home. You can also find my Recipe #1: Egg Toast on my Friendster blog.

All you need is:-

Instant noodle (a pack or 2, depending on how much you planning to feed. In my case, its always 2!)
Egg x1
Garlic X3 or 4 cloves
Cili padi (depends on how hot can you take)

Ok! Now lets go to the steps!

  1. First you need to boil the instant noodle. Save the seasonings for later. Preferably get those powdered ones. i got the wrong one today. Its in paste form. FAIL!!
  2. While the noodle cooks, you can prepare the garlic and the chillies. Chop them up nicely.
  3. When the noodle is about to be ready, heat up the wok with oil.
  4. Throw in all the early ingredients which you prepared in step 2.
  5. When the garlic turns golden, throw in the eggs and scramble em (i just love scrambled eggs!)
  6. When the noodles are ready, throw em in together with the seasonings. Since its already cooked, you just need to mix together with the already frying stuffs...
  7. Serve while hot.
There you go! Simple, eh? But don't eat this often tho. This dish is full of MSGs. Its ok if its just once a while. You could also squeeze some lime, a dash of grounded pepper and some other things you like. You could even add in some meat before you put in the eggs.

Hahaha~~yes, i AM that bored today!! Enjoy!!