Just last weekend, i was walking around
Citta Mall, Ara Damansara with nothing to do. So, we decided to just walk in
Petsmore to see if there is anything we can buy for
Kiki. Instead, i saw "him".
He was lying down in his small 2 x 2 display cage. With his eyes looking up at me, i felt he was trying to tell me something. He was looking at us then looked at his empty, overturned water bowl and back at us. he kept doing this for three times. He got up, flipped his bowl upright and tried to grab it by the teeth to pick it up. It was funny how he was trying so hard to do it but somehow, my heart sank.
He was trying to say,
"I'm thirsty. Can you feed me water?"
Immediately, i went to look for the shop attendant.
"Hey bro, do you feed these pups with water?". The shop attendant looked at me, puzzled. I drew a deeper breath and said louder,
"They are thirsty. Can you please feed the puppies with water? Especially the Golden Retriever." As if on command, he dropped whatever he was working on immediately and went to get them their much needed drink.
The pup was lapping it up. Yes, i felt like we had done something good and i was happy. As i turned to leave, he stopped drinking and looked at me. I felt like he was thanking me for getting him some water. I just smiled.
As i was walking out towards the door, Audrey started laughing at the pup. She told me he was showing her how he played alone in that cold, concrete display cage. He pushed and pushed his bowl around the cage as fast as he could without dropping a single drop. In the end, he went too fast and he mistimed and got his paw in the bowl. And that overturned the bowl, once again.
I thought to myself,
"So, that's how you ended up so thirsty, eh?". And i laughed and i walked out the door.
Clearly, he was very happy to be able to make us laugh. Just like a Golden Retriever, he is eager to please. But like any other Golden Retrievers, they need to run. He is already coming to 5 months old at that time. I'm worried that his hind legs is getting weak. I knew i
had to leave then for i might end up carrying him home!
We had a short debate after we left the store.
Should we get him? How are we to train him? Is it ok to leave him alone when we are at work? Will he destroy Franky's (my housemate) things in the house? Do we need to send him to obedient school? How do we toilet train him?
These are just the tip of the iceberg of the questions that i had in mind then. To shrug it off, i told Audrey that we should just take a walk around and just see how things goes. Instead of her usually trying to get me to buy her snacks, she started to think of names. At first,
Goldie seems to be the choice. But i told her that name is just too common.
It was a trap! I, too, was caught up in thinking names. Two hours later, while queuing up at KFC for dinner, i came up with the name,
Enzo. There were 3 reasons why i came up with that name. First of all, its not common like Baby, Coco, Lucky or Muffin. Number Dos, its Italian! And finally, i remembered i read a book somewhere that there was this dog named Enzo and he likes everything with an engine and 4 wheels to it especially Formula 1! Plus, Ferrari's founder is Enzo!
Everyday, Audrey would start to tease me with facebook wall messages like,
"Enzo: I'm thirsty~wuwuwu~~" or
"Enzo: Come play with me~". Yes, she's funny like that and that is why i love her! She just knows what's in my mind.
hubba hubba~
There is not a day pass by without thinking of Enzo! Yes, i am in love with Enzo.
Here i am, one week later, blogging about him. Why? Simple.
Lately, i have been seeing a lot of posts on my facebook feed about puppy abusers, cat tormentors, etc. To me, its all the same. They are
bloody murderers! You'd see pictures of them puppies being dragged by motorbikes, kitties being hanged to skin, bunnies being stomped on and the list just goes on and on.
This is really sad. In fact, it shows how much humans have advanced in terms of technologies and knowledge but degenerated greatly in humanities. I pray that these people get the same fate as these poor, defenseless animals. What sort of excitement or enjoyment do they get from this?!

There are a lot of people (like yours truly) are wishing hard that they can have such opportunities to have a pup! To give love and to receive it back unconditionally! Oh, the thought of it!
After a long day at work, you get home and to be greeted with that familiar bark and tail wag! Nothing is more welcoming than a eager, waiting pup at home!
So to you all tormentors out there, think about this:
Karma's a bitch!