Lately, my sister is having a fascination towards having cute, small and colourful fishies. So, we've been to quite a number of pet shops and places where they sell loads of fishes. Currently, she's adapting quite good with her guppies. Why guppies, you ask? Well, first of all, its easier to take care of it and they are quite a fast breed. Plus, she likes all things that are colorful. Especially if they have blue (it's her favorite color...). Then, she is also NOTORIOUSLY known to the family as the FISH KILLER!
I remember when we were still kids, we'd go and buy some fishes home from the market just for fun. We'd keep them in a pail of water and she'll go and scoop them up just to pet them and then throw em back into the pail. She'll continue to do this every few hours. In less than a week, all the fishes would perform their "leap of death" to escape her "pettings". That is why she is so determined to prove me wrong this time! LOL!!!!!
Anyway, this time i decided to attend to her whims and went around shopping for fishes together with my friend, Winnie. We went looking high and low for the tank and the perfect fish for her and we decided against the goldfish she initially wanted and bought the guppies. She also bought a modern looking tank (which is now in storage...Winnie's lil brother gave us another bigger tank. Thanks Winson!) and we even did a DIY lamp for the water plants! Yeah, we're too cheap to buy one! LOL!!
Then a few days later, we decide to get more guppies and we went to another shop. There is this one place in Greentown Mall which, i think, is the biggest place where they sell a lot of fishes and its equipments. While my sister and my friend, Winnie, is deciding which fish to buy, i went looking around. I was fascinated with the two sharks they put on display. I really wanted to get one someday!!! Watching them swimming non-stop in circles...damn, they make me dizzy! LOL!!!

As i was squatting like a kid in front of the Arowana's tank, i began wondering. What is it like to be them? They don't know they worth so much and they are like a prized collection to breeders and hobbyist alike. But yet they are trapped in a tank. With no where to go. Nothing to look forward to. Swimming in a tank all day and all night. Just waiting. But for what?
I suddenly felt like i am a really blessed to be me. I can play music, sing my favorite songs, dressed to my liking and just interact with whomever i fancy. God made me for a reason which i have yet to discover. I thank God that i can move freely and just be me!
That trip to the fish store made me feel better. Yes. The fishes maybe a prized collection to some but to the fishes themselves, they are clueless. This applies to us. We might feel like we are the fishes. Trapped with no where to go in this rat race.
But outside the "tank", there is a Person which cares for us. Who feeds us "foods", make sure that the "water pH" is right for us and changes our "water" regularly to avoid "dirty algae" gathering and "kills" us . This Person isn't going to sell us to some shady store to make money. But this Person is doing it out of LOVE. This Person gave His "All" just to make sure that we are "grown" into that "prized collection" mould.
This none other than our Heavenly Father.
Fish is food, not friend