Just finished watching Michael Jackson Memorial live streaming. I was lucky that i got home in time to watch it! I think i missed the early part of the show. I only saw when Queen Latiffah was giving a speech. But anyways, I would like to say thanks to Gabe Bondoc for it was his Twitter post that gave me the link to the live streaming! HAHAHAHA~~~I'm not gonna go blog out the whole MJ thing here. Go Google it up! XP
Rev Al Sharpton gave a really great speech. I think his word to Michael's kids will resound for years to come whenever we speak of the
Gloved One...
"Your daddy is not strange. Only strange things happened to him and he dealt with it!"
What a speech! I'm not sure if there is anyway to watch it all over again...yet. But my heart goes out to Prince, Paris and Blanket. My heart broke when Paris tried to find comforting words but broke into tears instead. Poor child...

I'm not trying to fit into this MJ frenzy but i would really like to share with you my first experience with
The King of Pop. (
hmm...sounds like i actually met him! Too bad i didn't...*sad*). The very first video/song from MJ was
Beat It. I remember i was still a kiddo. I was placed into my nanny's house that time and those days, they had those tv which has sliding doors on it and you had to turn the knob to find the channel! Ahhh...nostalgic days..After that, we would reenact the MV. Jumping left and right, trying to dance like MJ and getting scolded for messing up the living room!!! LOL!!! My nanny's err..kid(??)...I'm not sure..but we all calls him brother...in indian..hahahaha. Yes. My nanny was an indian. Believe it or not, i used to have an Indian name too...I was
Raja...LOL!!! yeah...I'm the King! Can't help it. They just adore my babyface!

I can't say that i'm a fan of MJ's work but i'm a fan for what he did with
Heal The World Foundation. Such passion...i can't find the right words. I am always amazed when someone at his level of fame and fortune, still can find time to care for the HIV/AIDS patients or even dirt poor citizens of the world. I always wanted to do something like that. Not to the extend like MJ but i'm gonna do it my way....someday. By God's grace, i will.
Anyway, i think i've covered what i wanted to say now.
MJ, you will never be alone....R.I.P.
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