After performing for 2 weekends straight at Moonriver Cafe, i think i realised what is "wrong" with me. It seems that, according to my partner (hey...cursed aka mike teh, i'm talking about you!) , i'm performing along with my age.
What does it mean? Well, simply that i'm singing too many old songs. Songs that i grew up with. Am i too slow to pick my own song selections? What the hell! I just can't sing the new ones!! i don't know..There's patrons who really told me right in my face that they like my voice and they said i had a good voice. And that was after i flunked my first public attempt of Mayangsari/Amy Search's TIADA LAGI. Talk about motivations. Hehehe~~
I've been watching a lot of Hikki (thats Utada Hikaru, to you!) and to be honest, i feel somehow demotivated. Wait...that didn't came out right. Sort of sad and excited. Sad because she is around my age and yet she is already more that 10 years in the business. While i'm still contemplating if i should plunge headfirst into this world. Excited because...just like Hikki's song "TIME WILL TELL". Yes, i believe someday, i WILL be what i wanted to be for so long.
Just like Hikki, i wanna perform original songs. Songs that are written for a specific time and event. Songs that has their own story to tell. Stories that i want people to know about. Words that are written by the same hand that is typing this BS. But doing covers is what Crescendo Music is all about. I can't complain much, can i? I guess i'm just too old to start dreaming. Am i? Am i in the wrong ship? Am i going the right way all this time? Only He will know....
Its all about me!
- cLoUDz
- Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia
- nOt tHe beSt i aM bUT wE aRE LeGEnD!
Monday, April 27, 2009
Friday, April 17, 2009
All the way from Japan!
Just an update. I noticed that i've been way to busy setting up Crescendo Music blog that i almost ignored my own blog. Almost. Anyway, I just wanted to share with the world what my sister got me from Japan! Onegaishimasu!

My 1st shirt from Japan.
First up, she got me a shirt. Not the "Someone went to Japan and all i got was this lousy t shirt" kinda thingy. I don't know where she got it from exactly but the paperbag is printed with MEN'S CENTER YUKIYA. "Sound Has Its Own Emotions". How true that statement is! This shirt has embedded my view on what music is! Definately gonna be my "performing outfit"! Now, i need to figure how to set my overall look around that.
Actually from this piece of cloth, it really shows that how much my sister understands me really. Somehow got me thinking, if i were the one buying her stuffs, would i able to get into her mind just like how she did to me.I'm not confident if i can....Guess that makes me a real failure as a brother, huh?
Anyway, on to the next gift!! *grin*

Jack (DMC) in a "rock 'n' roll pose".
This is Jack from Detroit Metal City (DMC) anime. Its supposedly the show's greatest Metal God. Well, from the looks of it, you probably could have guessed. A lot of you who has watched that anime would start chanting "GO TO! DMC!! GO TO! DMC!!". That's what i did when i opened the box. Its a bobhead figurine. Really cool to place it on a really big ass watt thumping speaker while blasting DMC's SATSUGAI!!!!!"Korose! korose! subete korose!! SAT~SU~GA~I~~" wahaha~~~
And my favourite shot of Jack!
You must be wondering what is that thing doing in the background in one of Jack's photo. To be honest, that is the third and final (not really final but it is the last gift, y'know).

Zidane Tribal of Final Fantasy 9!
That is Zidane Tribal of Final Fantasy 9!!! Complete with his Zorlin Shape Dagger...Kyaa~~!! Yes, i'm a sucker for all FF games (with the exception of FF XII. It is so totally not FF!!). This is a bit too mature looking Zidane for my liking. For me, Zidane always looks like that skirt chasing, playful monkey boy! wahahaha~~~For this figurine, we had to attach the arms, upperbody and the tail. No, the arms and legs are not articulate. Its fixed in place and who cares? Its looking good!!
The DMC and this FF9 set is known as the BLIND BOX. Don't ask me why it is called Blind but somehow i suspect it has to do with not knowing what is inside the box. Yes, they all look alike from the box. So, you have to weigh and use all you logic and senses if you wanna get a certain character.
For example, my sister wanted to get Tony Tony Chopper (of One Piece anime) and all she has to do is to find one that is the lightest because Chopper is a tiny bluenosed reindeer. Actually, my sister wanted to get me Cloud Strife (of FF7 and FF7:Advent Children). So, the gamble was to get the heaviest box available due to his Buster Sword is one big ass weapon. (Makes me wonder where the heck he hid it?!). But not all thing works that way. But nevertheless, I am happy that she kept that in mind.
Just wondering, do they have Tifa Lockhart (of FF7 and FF7:Advent Children) in Blind Box set too?*giggle* i bet i'd go broke looking for it!!! Not that i mind. I'd do anything for Tifa!!!*swoon*

Tifa Lockhart in her original costume and looking real hot in FF7: AC
Tifa toyboy wannabe,
My 1st shirt from Japan.
First up, she got me a shirt. Not the "Someone went to Japan and all i got was this lousy t shirt" kinda thingy. I don't know where she got it from exactly but the paperbag is printed with MEN'S CENTER YUKIYA. "Sound Has Its Own Emotions". How true that statement is! This shirt has embedded my view on what music is! Definately gonna be my "performing outfit"! Now, i need to figure how to set my overall look around that.
Actually from this piece of cloth, it really shows that how much my sister understands me really. Somehow got me thinking, if i were the one buying her stuffs, would i able to get into her mind just like how she did to me.I'm not confident if i can....Guess that makes me a real failure as a brother, huh?
Anyway, on to the next gift!! *grin*
Jack (DMC) in a "rock 'n' roll pose".
This is Jack from Detroit Metal City (DMC) anime. Its supposedly the show's greatest Metal God. Well, from the looks of it, you probably could have guessed. A lot of you who has watched that anime would start chanting "GO TO! DMC!! GO TO! DMC!!". That's what i did when i opened the box. Its a bobhead figurine. Really cool to place it on a really big ass watt thumping speaker while blasting DMC's SATSUGAI!!!!!"Korose! korose! subete korose!! SAT~SU~GA~I~~" wahaha~~~
And my favourite shot of Jack!
You must be wondering what is that thing doing in the background in one of Jack's photo. To be honest, that is the third and final (not really final but it is the last gift, y'know).
Zidane Tribal of Final Fantasy 9!
That is Zidane Tribal of Final Fantasy 9!!! Complete with his Zorlin Shape Dagger...Kyaa~~!! Yes, i'm a sucker for all FF games (with the exception of FF XII. It is so totally not FF!!). This is a bit too mature looking Zidane for my liking. For me, Zidane always looks like that skirt chasing, playful monkey boy! wahahaha~~~For this figurine, we had to attach the arms, upperbody and the tail. No, the arms and legs are not articulate. Its fixed in place and who cares? Its looking good!!
The DMC and this FF9 set is known as the BLIND BOX. Don't ask me why it is called Blind but somehow i suspect it has to do with not knowing what is inside the box. Yes, they all look alike from the box. So, you have to weigh and use all you logic and senses if you wanna get a certain character.
For example, my sister wanted to get Tony Tony Chopper (of One Piece anime) and all she has to do is to find one that is the lightest because Chopper is a tiny bluenosed reindeer. Actually, my sister wanted to get me Cloud Strife (of FF7 and FF7:Advent Children). So, the gamble was to get the heaviest box available due to his Buster Sword is one big ass weapon. (Makes me wonder where the heck he hid it?!). But not all thing works that way. But nevertheless, I am happy that she kept that in mind.
Just wondering, do they have Tifa Lockhart (of FF7 and FF7:Advent Children) in Blind Box set too?*giggle* i bet i'd go broke looking for it!!! Not that i mind. I'd do anything for Tifa!!!*swoon*

Tifa Lockhart in her original costume and looking real hot in FF7: AC
Tifa toyboy wannabe,
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
My wierd collection
This is my wierd collection of liquor bottles that i knew i got wasted on. Those i don't know...well, it remains unknown!! LOL~~!!!
I've been collecting these as reminders that i could drink away all my blues but i'd still wake up to it..worse than before with the hangovers! Not a wise move. Anyway, I've started collecting these from 2004 (i think..) and i've stopped added any to my collection since 2006/2007. Hmm...i guess its a good thing.
Here's the shortlist:
(From Left to right)

I've been collecting these as reminders that i could drink away all my blues but i'd still wake up to it..worse than before with the hangovers! Not a wise move. Anyway, I've started collecting these from 2004 (i think..) and i've stopped added any to my collection since 2006/2007. Hmm...i guess its a good thing.
Here's the shortlist:
(From Left to right)
- Chivas Regal Scotch Whiskey 12yrs 1Ltr
- Western Cellar Cabenet Sauvignon 2003
- Martell Cognac 1Ltr
- Bambay Sapphire Dry Gin (added with a large bottle of Carlsberg for extra kick)
- Martell Special Reserve Cognac (from my parent's wedding dinner in the late '70s. My Best Bottle!)
- Martell Cognac 750ml
- Henessy VSOP Cognac 750ml (still a little left...)
- Ironstone Vineyard Obsession 2001
- Carlsberg World Cup 2006 Free Glass. (In the middle. It came with the beer. Don't ask!)
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Rainy day
Monday. 7pm. Rainy day.
What a day for nostalgia. I was cleaning up my room and i stumbled upon some very very old photos. Those taken 10 years ago. When days were sweet and nights were warm.
The first photo i saw was a picture of me doing a silly pose which we call the "Whoo!" pose. Those with me then will remember. I was "whoo"-ing in the middle of my college hostel room. Sitting on my roommate's bed was her. Both of us looked so happy. Laughters that were genuine. This post will be the hardest yet for me. For me to dig up lost memories from the past. As i'm posting this, i can feel my tears and i'm fighting to keep them in. Its still raining outside.
Maybe i can't forget my past. Forgotten but never disappear. Today i choose to breakdown and cry alone in my bedroom. Photos strewn on the floor. Tears that i thought were all used up, once again rolled down my cheek. I reassured myself that i was overjoyed of that memory until i surprised myself when i said this looking at our photosnap, "i still love you".
What a hypocrite i am. I keep telling my friends that they must let go to be free but yet on this rainy Monday night, i find that i am still bound to that promise of eternity. Is this the last real relationship that i will ever get myself into? Why am i not free? I want to break free.
Some say that if i hold on long enough, that THE ONE will eventually come. Yes, i agree. But that THE ONE has already left me a scar that time can't heal. Being THE ONE and hurting you will never heal. It can never heal. You can hide but you can't heal. That's the reality. I'm sorry to all the people that i "conceitedly" deceived that i am free. I guess i just found out that i'm not.
Some old photos and a rainy night sure beats the energy out of ya...
still bound to PROMISES OF ETERNITY,
What a day for nostalgia. I was cleaning up my room and i stumbled upon some very very old photos. Those taken 10 years ago. When days were sweet and nights were warm.
The first photo i saw was a picture of me doing a silly pose which we call the "Whoo!" pose. Those with me then will remember. I was "whoo"-ing in the middle of my college hostel room. Sitting on my roommate's bed was her. Both of us looked so happy. Laughters that were genuine. This post will be the hardest yet for me. For me to dig up lost memories from the past. As i'm posting this, i can feel my tears and i'm fighting to keep them in. Its still raining outside.
Maybe i can't forget my past. Forgotten but never disappear. Today i choose to breakdown and cry alone in my bedroom. Photos strewn on the floor. Tears that i thought were all used up, once again rolled down my cheek. I reassured myself that i was overjoyed of that memory until i surprised myself when i said this looking at our photosnap, "i still love you".
What a hypocrite i am. I keep telling my friends that they must let go to be free but yet on this rainy Monday night, i find that i am still bound to that promise of eternity. Is this the last real relationship that i will ever get myself into? Why am i not free? I want to break free.
Some say that if i hold on long enough, that THE ONE will eventually come. Yes, i agree. But that THE ONE has already left me a scar that time can't heal. Being THE ONE and hurting you will never heal. It can never heal. You can hide but you can't heal. That's the reality. I'm sorry to all the people that i "conceitedly" deceived that i am free. I guess i just found out that i'm not.
"You are what i want. You are what i am. Yet you leave me when i know i love you more than i could ever have. I know there will never be another you. Or another us. But i wanna thank you for the love you have given me and our dream. CASTLE IN THE SKY. I guess that castle will forever be lost in that dream. Never to be spoken again. I'm sorry that things turns out this way. How did we lost our way? I can't answer you that and neither can you. I guess that is one question that is worth a lifetime. But i guess i'm still in love with the old you. The one that is lost forever enroute to our castle. I hope this time i could really bid the old you farewell. Farewell."
Some old photos and a rainy night sure beats the energy out of ya...
still bound to PROMISES OF ETERNITY,
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